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High fat foods that are good for you

High fat foods that are good for you

want to almost like highlight the
strengths and the properties that they
they have and the nutrients they contain
the two foods of chosen are the simple
egg and almonds they can be used in many
ways they can be cooked baked and
almonds can be used straight as a snack
they can be used as a nut butter and a
smoothie I even used things like almonds
and stir fries and curries as well so
they're highly adaptable both of these
foods are relatively rich and fat also
rich in proteins and in fact when you
look more closely at the egg for example
you know about 50% of the nutrients are
contained within the white and 50%
within the yolk so if you're throwing
away the yolk you're actually missing
this golden opportunity to take on all
the nutrition within that food so highly
adaptable many ways to use them very
quick to cook similar with almonds and
some people fear the amount of fat in

there are the fats within an arm and are
mostly monounsaturated fats very healthy
fats good for heart health but what
we've discovered recently is you don't
actually absorb all the fats within an
almond some of it will pass through with
the the rich amount of fiber and won't
be absorbed so don't get too concerned
about the amount of calories and both of
these foods are very satiating so you
should feel relatively full and
satisfied from them which can help you
avoid excessive snacking later on
