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Keto 8 Mistakes That Sabotage Your Results

8 Keto Mistakes That Sabotage Your Results!

accelerate weight loss but if you aren't

careful the diet can actually lead to

unintentional weight gain to see just

how you can gain weight on the keto diet?

we spoke to expert nutritionists

dietitians trainers and medical

professionals about all the sneaky ways

the keto diet may be making you gain

weight here are the top eight common
keto mistakes that sabotage your results

number one too much protein 

 many low-carb diets allow for a moderate
amount of protein some people mistakenly
think that a low carb high protein diet
as a keto diet however this type of diet
is unlikely to cause ketosis because the
body can breakdown excess proteins into
amino acids and convert them to types of
sugar a person who is on the keto diet
will get most of their calories from fat
which should represent about sixty to
seventy-five percent of their calorie
intake this fat intake leaves little
room for protein if protein makes up
more than 25% of a person's diet it is
unlikely that they are going into

number two
eating too many hidden carbs on the keto diet several
types of carbohydrate are acceptable
including nuts and dairy these foods are
typically high-fat nutrient-dense foods
that make a great addition to a keto
diet however they also contain
carbohydrates eating too many of these
foods will keep a person from achieving
and maintaining ketosis

number three 

too much dairy it's easy to eat a ton of
dairy on a keto diet its high-fat after
all but there are a couple of potential
pitfalls when it comes to dairy and they
might be affecting your ability to lose
weight one many people are allergic or
sensitive to Dairy even if you don't
have any overt symptoms after you eat a
piece of cheese you could have a more
subtle sensitivity that's causing some
inflammation to your eating too much of
Dairy is caloric ally dense and delicious
and although the calories in calories
out model of nutrition isn't 100%
accurate it's likely you won't lose
weight if you're taking in more calories
than you're burning three dairy products
specifically milk and some yogurts are
actually pretty high in carbs how to fix
it if you are stuck in a weight loss
plateau consider eliminating all dairy
from your diettwo weeks 

number four

 not enough water
for all the focus on what you're eating
don't forget about what you're sipping
dehydration as an increased possibility
on Kido the drastic decrease in
carbohydrate intake on the ketogenic
diet can cause shifts in your fluid and
electrolyte balance carbs are stored
along with water in the body so as these
stores are depleted that water is lost
along with them says Alissa to cheat
nutrition manager at virtual Health
Partners in New York City she also says
that the body flushes out the build-up
of ketones in urine which also depletes
water and sodium from the body all that
to say drink up to cheer ekam ends
waking up to a large glass of water and
sipping regularly throughout the day to
reach a goal of consuming half of your
body weight in ounces of water daily

number five

forgetting to eat foods rich
in omega-3 fatty acids while fat reigns
supreme on the diet don't just turn to
bacon cheese and cream when choosing
your fats aim to include more
anti-inflammatory omega-3s particularly
epa and DHA the type that are found in
salmon sardines oysters herring and
mussels other healthy fats are a good
choice too if you haven't stocked up on
avocado olive oil and seeds such as chia
seeds and flax seed definitely do
they're not only keto friendly they also
offer healthy polyunsaturated and
monounsaturated fat that your body needs
to perform at its best number six
stressing too often when you're stressed
your cortisol levels rise and high
cortisol levels can affect normal
hormone production and cause unwanted
weight gain it works like this one
stress tells your adrenal glands to
release cortisol so you'll have the
energy to run away from danger
- cortisol releases stored glucose 3
your blood sugar levels rise for at the
same time cortisol makes your cells less
sensitive to insulin 5 glucose stays
circulating in your bloodstream high
blood sugar makes it harder for your
body to produce and use ketones plus
chronic stress can severely throw off
hormone production which can cause
cravings trouble sleeping and much more
severe hormone issues before we continue
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number 7 overeating hi inflammatory
foods while the ketogenic diet is known
for its anti-inflammatory benefits some
low-carb high-fat foods can exacerbate
inflammation for instance it's extremely
common for Kido beginners to eat
processed meats and vegetable oils
because the macro nutrient ratio fits
within the keto diet but you should
avoid processed poor quality food as
much as possible inflammatory foods like
highly processed vegetable oils and
low-carb packaged foods will cause
systemic inflammation and SAP your
number 8 not preparing yourself for the
keto flu
as your body transitions from a
carbohydrate burner to a fat burner you
may experience what's known as the keto
flu or flu-like symptoms including
muscle cramps nausea aches and fatigue
during the first two weeks of the keto
diet if you're not prepared for this
feeling you may think something is
drastically wrong and give up the diet
completely more than that you can help
yourself through the transition period
of low energy by planning out your meals
or meal prepping foods rich in potassium
magnesium and sodium as well as
hydrating to help these dito flu
remember don't compare yourself to
others weight loss is a huge benefit of
the ketogenic diet but just because
someone loses weight quickly that
doesn't mean you should expect the same
results some people dropped weight
quickly while others take a bit more
time everybody is different so their
body is going to react differently to
keto focus on you and what you need to
do to succeed the rest will take care of
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